reviving my dead website - 08/08/2024

It's been a while, doubt anyone even checks here but I've decided to actually start using this website I'm paying $10 a year for. I've updated the projects and cool stuff page (now best stuff) to be nicer and easier to navigate. I've also completely redone this updates page to be more like an actual blog except I made it all myself instead of folding and using something like blogger. Expect lots of things to not work lol

My searxng instance has always been here, but I've never bothered to actually signal to any site visiters that it exists so I've added another tab at the top that can used to access it. If you don't know what searxng is, it is basically a meta search engine that pulls results from a bunch of other search engines while respecting your privacy more. There is not one official searxng but rather a bunch of searxngs hosted by various people (like me) to keep things decentralised

Finally, I've hidden a little secret to be found...... Enjoy!