Slime Social is a now defunct chatroom game / website that I made in highschool. Our school had banned students from chatting to each other via microsoft teams, so I started developing this to get around that
It started off as a game you ran on your computer. As seen above, you would control a slime, move around and be able to send messages to other people running the game. It was written in lua using the love2d framework (just like Box Battlegrounds 2)
I eventually gave up on trying to make a standalone game and moved to turning it into a website. The first version of the site allowed you to set a username and chat with other users online. Simple. Until…
I rewrote the entire site! Better ui, an online users list, easier username changing, improved message formatting with timestamps and better error handling / spam prevention. I had planned to add chatrooms and chat filtering (<- this caused some problems), but I never got around to it.
Then school ended and there was no need for the website anymore :(
All versions of slime social worked by having the client communicate to a central server running a lua / python script. The source code for all versions can be found here.
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